.. image:: ./images/GilyticsLogo.jpg :align: center ====================== Pathfinder User Manual ====================== Pathfinder is a cloud application developed by `Gilytics `_, used for the planning and routing of linear infrastructures like powerlines, underground cables, pipelines, roads, railways, as well as optimal placement of solar plants and other location-dependent facilities. This user manual focuses on powerline routing, but a similar approach can be followed with other infrastructures. Download a `PDF version `_ of this manual. If you are currently a Pathfinder user, you may want to check :doc:`what is new in version 3.4.4 `. This manual will guide you the processes of using the software. * :doc:`Introduction to Pathfinder ` * :doc:`Create projects ` * :doc:`Add data ` * :doc:`Project viewer ` * :doc:`Set up a scenario ` * :doc:`Manage scenarios ` * :doc:`Run processes ` * :doc:`Analyze results ` * :doc:`Use comments ` * :doc:`Export results ` * :doc:`User profile and resources ` * :doc:`Use Cases ` You can also find help on managing your account and enabling advanced features. * :doc:`Manage company users ` * :doc:`Set advanced options ` * :doc:`Run geoprocesses ` * :doc:`Information on data security ` The left navigation area provides quick links to all the content. .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 3 intro whatsNew3.4.4 project addData projectViewer scenario manageScenarios process analyze comments export runGeoprocesses profile manageUsers manageOptions useCases helpChat dataSecurity additionalServices annexes .. include:: footer.rst