Georeferenced comments

The ability to add and share georeferenced comments to Pathfinder can be used for a variety of applications, such as collaborative planning, stakeholder engagement, public consultation, inspection and field tasks management.

Next releases will add more options to Pathfinder’s commenting system.


Comment manager

To access the Comment Manager dialog and display the comments as icons on the map, click on the icon in Pathfinder’s top bar:


Initially, the comment manager will be empty.



The comment thread markers on the map will not be visible if the Comment Manager is not open.

Adding comments

To add new comment threads in a specific location, click on the New button of the Comment Manager. The cursor will change to a blue circle:


After clicking on the comment location, the comment thread dialog will appear and we can type the initial comment:


We can also assign a color to the comment thread, so it is used in its map marker. This color can be used to represent the comment’s priority, topic or status.


The marker showing the location of the new comment thread will be visible on the map:


The new comment will also be visible in the Comment Manager when we click the Refresh button:


New comments can also be added to an existing thread. To do so, open the thread by clicking on the map marker or in the Comment Manager.


The comment thread dialog will open and we can add a new comment below the previous ones:


Comments in multiple scenarios

When we add a comment thread, it is always assigned to the current scenario, since each scenario may have different results with different implications to discuss.

The Comment Manager offers the option to see all the comment threads in the project, or only the ones in the current scenario. To change this option, click on the three-dot icon and use the filter menu:



If you don’t see the comments you made in previous sessions, remember to select the right scenario or use the “project” filter.

Sharing comments

Comments become much more useful when we can share them with other users, see their shared scenarios with comments and add our own. Since comment threads are associated to scenarios, this means we need to use shared scenarios.

To make the comment threads in our scenario visible to other company users with access to the project, we have to enable it as “internally shared”.



Comments which are not in a shared scenario will not be visible to other members of your organization.

Comments belong to a specific project and can only be seen when accessing that project.

Conversely, to access comment threads created in scenarios owned by other users, we need to add to the project their shared scenario.

When we do this, the shared scenario becomes visible in the project’s list of scenarios, and its comments can be seen in the Comment Manager. Note the unread mail icon in these unopened comments.


The comment threads from the shared scenarios are also visible on the map with the others if the “project” filter is active:


We can also add comments to threads created and shared by other users, so we can collaborate together.


Searching comments

The Comment Manager has a search box to find comments by text. After hitting Enter, the search will be performed and the found text hightlighted.


We can also type a user name to see only the comments made by that user.

Click on the red X button on the right side of the search box to clear the results.

Deleting comments

We can delete a whole comment thread, if we are its owner/creator.


It is also possible to delete a specific comment we made. When the cursor hovers over it, click on the Delete icon.



Pathfinder will show an error message if we try to remove another user’s comment or thread.

Zooming to comments

To zoom to a specific comment thread location, click on any of its comments in the Comment Manager. The map will center in the thread location, its marker will be highlighted and the corresponding comment thread dialog will open up.


If we zoom out of an area with multiple comment thread markers, they will group into a single circle with the number of threads under it. We can click on the numbered icon to zoom to a group and expand it.


Disclaimer: the scenarios depicted in this manual do not represent actual customer projects or infrastructure proposals, and are presented for demonstration purposes only.

For more help, please use the help chat in the application, or contact Gilytics.